www.octaikon.co.uk© A. Marcus J. Robbins 2014
151TEN STEPS TO BEING A BULLY + A simple explanation for children on the steps in becoming a bully.152 TEN UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLES ++ Words ending -ion used to describe the faculties.153GETTING TO KNOW YOU + A simple explanation for children about how we make friends.154 THE TEN FACETS OF THE OCTAIKON Simple summary of the faculties of the Octakion155A MODEL OF YOUHere is a way of understanding yourself and learning to be happy.156EIGHT PILLARS OF JOYFrom the Book of Joy by th Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu157TEN CHARACTERISTICS OF CREATIVE PEOPLEAdapted from he Very Well website and work of M. Csikszentmihalyi158IT QUIZTen questions to ask of anything159APPROACHES TO OUR COMMON GOODFrom and article in the Tablet magazine160NO SLIDEto be inserted161CULTURAL DIFFERENCESFrom Riding the Waves of Culture, by Fons Trompenaars